Irish Life Assurance is taking Shelbourne Developments to court in a dispute over offices in Hainault House in Dublin city centre. Shelbourne rented offices in the building at a rate believed to be less than €400,000 per annum while its own headquarters next door was being redeveloped.

The number of cases coming before the Commercial Court shows no sign of letting up, with 30 motions due to be heard on Monday seeking entry into the big business division of the High Court, including Irish Life's proceedings against Shelbourne.

ACC has lodged motions in relation to three cases, and financial institutions in total are seeking to have 11 cases heard in the High Court.

In addition, developers Kimpton Vale has lodged an action against Fingal County Council; Pierse Contracting is seeking a summary judgment against Terry Devey's Grand Canal Square Developments; while John Sisk & Son is involved in a separate action.

Mr Justice Peter Kelly, who supervises the operation of the Commercial Court, said he "never ceases to be surprised at the slovenly way business involving millions of euro is transacted in this country".