I flicked on the TV one day and that Meteor ad came on where the fella jumps in his car and heads off on a road trip to track down all his old friends and that was it – the idea for my road trip was born. I decided there and then to post the ad. I've just gotten a new car that's reliable so I might as well drive it. What's the point in having a car if I'm not going to use it?
I've never been anywhere really. I've never been on holidays outside of Ireland or in Ireland. So I figure what's the point in leaving Ireland to go on holiday if I haven't seen here properly first. I plan on visiting all 32 counties. I'll at least drive through every county and take photos of road signs to prove it but there won't be any itinerary for the trip. It will be just a car, a couple of tents and some beer, I suppose. That's the plan. I want to just get up and go. I don't want to use maps or anything. I just want to follow the bonnet of the car and see where it takes us.
My friends think I'm off my head for placing the ad. They keep saying that I could meet some psycho killer but the way I see it is that they could be a psycho, fair enough, but I could be one too. They could be getting into the car of a lunatic as well. They don't know who I am and I don't know who they are. You only live once. You may as well enjoy it and take a couple of risks now and then.
I'm hoping to get two weeks off work and go on the road trip in the next few weeks. I work as a radio controller in a taxi office during the week and do some DJing at the weekend.
I'm looking for people who are up for a bit of craic, not some boring person who'll sit in the back of the car not saying a word and so far I've had a few genuine replies to the ad. There's a girl and a guy in Dublin and a girl in Galway interested in coming with me on the trip. So I'm going to pick the people up in Dublin and then we'll drive to Galway and pick the next girl up. We're going to stop anywhere on the way that we fancy. I love the thought of stopping in a random village for the night, pitching a couple of tents, going into the pub, meeting the locals and having a laugh.
A road trip is ideal for me because I love driving. I just never have anywhere decent to go. Sometimes I just drive in circles around my estate and the furthest I go on a daily basis is Liffey Valley. I drove to Cork once on the spur of the moment years ago, bought a bottle of Coke and then drove home. Just for the hell of it. I wanted to see where the N7 would bring me. If you're ever on a road and you don't know where it goes, well there's one way to find out and that's to keep driving on it so that's exactly what I did. I had nothing to do and a full tank of petrol. It made sense at the time.
I've only got space for one more person left in the car so hopefully I'll find someone who has a full licence to give me a break when I need it. Even if my car fills up for the road trip, I'd be happy for people to tag along in other cars. We could all go on this mad adventure around Ireland. It's time to seize the moment and do something impulsive.
The thing is, I don't know what's great about Ireland but that's what I want to find out.