What did you have for breakfast today?
I had toast and orange juice this morning. I had avocado on toast, once, as a breakfast. That was a special day. You put lemon juice, olive oil and crushed chilli on the top. It's more of a lunchy thing, really, but that one day, I thought, "You know what? I'm my own man. And I'm going to have this for breakfast." It was the right decision, I still don't regret it.
If you could be anywhere right now, where would it be?
Wherever my stolen bag is. It had my passport and writings inside. I'd love to get it back. Some feck stole it on me. A Samsonite, black shoulder bag with a little blue sign on the front. I'll give a reward to whoever finds it – €50.
What website do you look at most?
I go on bbc.co.uk/sport a lot, following progress at Aston Villa.
What do you watch on tv?
I try to steer clear of good TV for fear I'd keep watching it. There's a whole show on the Fishing Channel that's actually called Fishzilla. And Sky One's Road Wars, narrated by Lee Boardman.
What Irish person do you most admire?
Is Fungi a person? If not, I guess I'll go for my parents. Or grandparents.
What Irish person do you least admire?
I'll go for that bastard who stole my bag. Fifty euro. I'm serious.
How punctual are you?
Middling to not very.
What do you like most about yourself?
I think most people find my endearing habit of laughing through my nose at the cinema pretty likeable.
What word or phrase do you overuse?
"Constantly". I use that word all the time.
What's your favourite cinema?
The Lighthouse cinema is nice. I once dialled 11811 and asked to be connected to the Lighthouse to book tickets, and a woman called Mary put me through to an actual lighthouse. The man was very nice, but absolutely no help. If I'm honest, that conversation got awkward pretty quick.
Are you good with credit cards?
I'm amazing with credit cards.
What was your best holiday?
Either Japan, or Moab in Utah. Both places are beyond belief.
How long does it take you to get ready?
I'd say on average about 15 minutes, if putting on clothes is involved. But often I have to return numerous times to retreive things I've forgotten – keys, phone, all that stuff.
Who was your first crush?
Múinteoir Michelle. I was eight, she was tough but fair. I also had a thing for Jet from Gladiators, who double timed as the Games Mistress on a show called Games World. She was amazing.
What is your biggest regret?
Not making a move on Múinteoir Michelle. It's not the things you do, but the things you don't do that you regret most of all in this life.
Who did you last vote for?
The clever answer would be "Jedward", or something like that. Or "Shane Ward". But I don't want to talk about who I actually voted for, so I'll say nothing.
What would you do if you won the lotto?
I would hire someone to turn the door to my bedroom into one of those tall bookcases that hides the door, and when you pull back a certain book, the door opens. That would be most of my dreams come true. The rest could go to charity.
What time do you get to bed at?
I can stay up as late as 11pm on weeknights no problem, as long as I get all my homework done. Weekends are my call.