Avoid the librarian look by adding detail to your camels and taupes this season with a little bit of distressed leather and studding. These baggy khaki shorts by H&M could look ultra casual but are sharpened with the nipped-in belt and luxurious winter coat.
Jazz up evening shorts with a structured jacket and some heels and wear with bare legs, if you dare. Short shorts, like these lace ones from A|Wear, are not for the faint hearted but if you've got the legs they will really ramp up the glam factor for a night out.
Leather shorts don't have to be risqué, as you can see by this smart, take-me-anywhere look from Marks and Spencer. On paper a 50s cape, a 70s poloneck and 80s leather knickerbockers shouldn't work all together, but here it just kind of does.
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