The Late Late toy show is nothing but a commercial racket for select toy companies and shops to peddle their wares on a public broadcasting system. It is also a place where elite drama groups who are the apple of RTÉ's eye show off their talent in a so-called competition based system that sees much of the same group selected year after year. RTÉ has a duty to be fair and balanced in all aspects of public broadcasting; however when it comes to the toy show which represents a marketing utopia, the rules fly out the window.
Maurice Fitzgerald,
Ringaskiddy, Co Cork.
Bah humbug to you Maurice. Do you not know where the off switch is on your telly?
Of course the Toy Show is going to be commercial - it’s about TOYS - the clue is in the title. Or would you have them showing kids playing telephones with two tin cans and a piece of string.
You also weren’t paying full attention. There were choirs/groups from several schools on the programme as I recall, not just the usual Billie Barrys.
Part of the magic of the Toy Show is being allowed stay up late to watch it. I can still recall the childhood excitement of creeping down the stairs in my jammies and snuggling up in front of the fire, watching wide-eyed as a magical world played out before me. To observe my five-year-old do the very same this year was just as magical. Well done Pat & Co and long live the Toy Show.