December 26, 2010
VOL 27 NO 52
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While it may be the season to be jolly, Christmas can be the worst time of year for the foxes and hares that still have to suffer for man's warped gratification.

The traditional benign ... more
Justice restored for locals at Lissadell
Well done to Sligo County Council. The Gore Booth landlord class had always allowed locals access to the road into Lissadell leading to the beach. Along came the new rich Irish owners who promptly tried to close this historic right of way.

Justice has been restored!

K Nolan

Caldra House ... more
Ireland leads the world in protecting pregnant women
Like many people, I was shocked and disappointed with last week's ruling from the European Court of Human Rights which seeks to undermine Ireland's ethos of respect for unborn human life.

What the public needs to know is that Ireland, according to Unicef, is the safest place in ... more
Ministerial rats and the sinking ship
Well it now appears that many Fianna Fáil ministers and TDs are retiring from politics, like rats leaving a sinking ship.

But us, the plain people of Ireland, should be aware that rats can swim and these politicians are likely to
re-emerge in another guise or role to continue ... more


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