Martin Cullen and Monica Leech: questions remain over PR contracts

Michael Clifford is to be commended on his article "How the Monica Leech story distracted from the real scandal" (News 23 November). That of course is the case where we had a supporter, constituent and fund- raiser of Mr Cullen awarded highly expen- sive contracts with inordinate haste. Later we learn she was earning €800 per day.

The questions that must be asked: what was she doing; how can Cullen manage now without such advice, and was a proper audit ever done of her work and contribution?

To me this fits into the golden era of dig-outs, e-voting machines, first class travel, nail manicures and what have you. This was at a time when the country had a lot of cash floating around from the unsustainable building industry, a government that failed to rein it in, and sadly, we are now reaping the whirlwind. A pity the slander on the reputations of the minister and Ms Leech arose because this, as Mr Clifford says, would have been a resigning or sacking matter for the minister. But even at this remove it must be looked at again.

Brendan Cafferty,

Ballina, Co Mayo.