I wish to express a number of concerns about the article by Justine McCarthy (News, 23 November). It contains the factual inaccuracy of referring to the prisoner as Fr Eugene Greene, and of consistently calling him a priest. He is no longer a priest, as he was laicised four years ago for the crimes he committed. The article also implies that the Diocese of Raphoe is not taking the norms for protecting and safeguarding children as seriously as it should. Nothing could be further from the truth. It works closely with the gardaí and the HSE.
Arising from recommendations in Our Children, Our Church, the diocese set up in 2006 a Diocesan Child Protection Committee. Its members come from a variety of backgrounds with expertise in child protection and in the fields of medicine, family law, policing, counselling and social work. The committee has developed policies, systems and structures for the delivery of child protection services in the diocese.
Two people have been trained under the auspices of the Voluntary Development Agency (Belfast). In their turn, these have trained church personnel (clerical and lay). Representatives from each parish have been trained to promote the development and implementation of best practice in safeguarding children at parish level. Vetting for all who work with children in the church has now been put in place.
Mary Callaghan, Chairperson of the Raphoe
Diocesan Child Protection Committee,
Tullinascreen, Churchill, Co Donegal.