I can assure the deputy of one thing. I have no intention of spending the order of business discussing hairdos, pedicures or manicures
Ceann comhairle John O'Donoghue to Labour's Joan Burton after she tries to raise the issue of Mary Harney's hairdo in the Dáil
What on earth were the top brass in Fás doing looking at the national space centre in Florida? Do we have apprentice astronauts or something, or were they in the nail bar trying to register apprentices for carpentry?
Labour leader Eamon Gilmore on the Fás trip to Nasa
It is evident that the group which carried out these attacks, based outside the country, had come with the single-minded determination to create havoc in the commercial capital of the country
India prime minister Manmohan Singh on the Mumbai terror attacks
Let's be clear, this is swings and roundabouts. There have been many occasions where this has worked in the other direction
Northern Ireland's first minister Peter Robinson defends Northern retailers' right to entice Southern shoppers over the border
She gave me a book about
how to cheat, but I didn't think anything of it at the time
Gordon Ramsay laughs off allegations that he had a seven-year affair
No imputation of illegality is asserted or intended
'Village' publisher Michael Smith after offering a €10,000 reward on information about the funding of the Libertas campaign against the Lisbon treaty.
I mean, let's face it, anyone who finds themselves on public transport over the age of 26 is an abject failure
Jeremy Clarkson, host of 'Top Gear Live', on car parking restrictions at the RDS, where the show is being hosted