A backwater, depending on which dictionary you read, is "an isolated or backward place" or a place regarded as "stagnant or backward". If you live in Kilkenny or Navan or Galway or Tralee you'll already know that. Because, if you are from any of those places, you're living in a backwater. That, at least, is the view of Pat Kenny, who announced during last weekend's show that, in touring the country with Waiting for Godot, the Gate Theatre would be "bringing Beckett to the backwaters". It was an interesting insight into what the national station's highest paid broadcaster thinks of most of his viewers. How appropriate his opinion should be voiced on one of the most stagnant shows on television.
It's not just his snooty attitude to all places beyond the Pale that gets me with Pat Kenny. Why is it never highlighted that this man only broadcasts on radio or TV during school term time, yet still gets paid as if he worked the whole year?