The Irish taxpayer is being exposed. On a good day we might get all our money back but we're not going to see the kind of good days that were there in the past
Labour's Ruairí Quinn on the Nama legislation
All options are unpalatable. This was the least worst of the options available
Green party chairman Dan Boyle
Every euro of the €10bn already pumped into Anglo, AIB and Bank of Ireland on top of the astronomical cost of Nama is a euro being taken out of vital public services such as education, health, job creation and the delivery of critical infrastructure... this is the crime of the century
Arthur Morgan, Sinn Féin's finance spokesman
We will be disposed to opposing it initially but if we find that the minister tacks and makes changes that are necessary to protect the taxpayer, we will think again during the course of the legislation as to what final position we will take on it
Richard Bruton, Fine Gael's finance spokesman
Deaths are not going to surprise us or change our public-health management
Department of Health's chief medical officer Dr Tony Holohan after it emerged two people were in intensive care with swine flu
The costs of flights and accommodation for such events invariably involve a high premium worldwide. In relation to the procuring of accommodation and car hire, every effort is made to secure the best possible rates for the minister and the delegation
A statement from the Department of Arts, Sports and Tourism following revelations of former minister John O'Donoghue's expenses claims
At least two families have been devastated by this shooting while the whole community will be affected in one way or another
Kilrush mayor Marion McMahon Jones reacting to the murder of Leslie Kenny (27), who was shot dead in Kilrush last week
We have to move on. It has brought closure; there has been a sense of relief. It's over
Paul Richardson, who was held captive during a 'tiger' kidnapping in 2005, reacting to the guilty verdict of three men for the crime after the longest running criminal trial in the history of the state
When I first started dating him, I was like: 'Oh my God! The size of his arms.' There are certain advantages having a boyfriend called Bod