I would like to lodge a complaint with you in your capacity as editor of the Sunday Tribune. I have issue with two pieces in last week's edition.

Firstly there was the graphic description of the method of suicide Shane Clancy used to end his own life. It is my understanding that this is not in keeping with best practice in reporting of these tragic incidents and can lead to copycat suicides.

Secondly the Editoral/Comment/Analysis piece drew strong links between people with mental health problems, particularly psychosis, and violence. Research has shown that people with psychosis are no more likely to commit a violent act than a member of the general public, yet due to media reporting such as that in last week's Sunday Tribune, the general public believe those with psychosis are dangerous and violent.

This leads to them being stigmatised and reluctant to share that they have this condition with those who can support them.

I would be grateful if my complaint could be considered in the future reporting of these matters. Furthermore if an article which provided a more accurate and realistic portrayal of psychosis could feature at some point in the future it may go some way to reducing the current level of poor understanding of psychosis and related conditions like schizophrenia.

Niall Turner (by email)