The government might have urged citizens to do their "patriotic duty" and not shop in the North, but even its own army isn't listening.

A party of 15 Irish soldiers based in Co Donegal are having their Christmas celebrations in Derry this weekend and enjoying better value for money in the city's pubs, hotels, and restaurants.

Rather than hitting the town in Bundoran or Letterkenny, the soldiers instead headed to a complex sandwiched between the Bogside and the Shantallow in Derry.

A spokesman for the Brunswick Superbowl in Pennyburn Industrial Estate said the soldiers spent Thursday night in the complex enjoying bowling, followed by drinks in the superbowl's restaurant, Martha's Vineyard.

"We were but one stop on their itinerary. They said they were in Derry for the weekend and were having a great time," the Superbowl spokesman said. After enjoying the hospitality in the complex, the group headed into Derry city centre.

"They left us very happy and they were looking forward to their weekend across the border. It was great to see them," the spokesman added. Finance minister, Brian Lenihan, has previously suggested it was "unpatriotic" for southerners to shop in the north.