Port tunnel: turned Fairview Park into a building site

THE country's biggest council said it plans to "rigorously" pursue the National Roads Authority to force it to pay for refurbishment work needed as a result of construction of the Port Tunnel.

Dublin City Council said it was left €2.5m short by the roads authority for works needed to restore Fairview Park following completion of the project.

The council had originally sought €8.5m from the NRA in 2009, but received just €6m in funding, which left it unable to press ahead with refurbishment works.

A row has now broken out between local residents, the council and the NRA over promises made to locals when the Port Tunnel was being built.

Residents were told that Fairview Park would not only be restored, but also that new facilities including a playground and pavilion would be provided.

A spokesman for the council said: "Dublin City Council agreed a figure of €1.6m with the NRA in respect of disruption caused to Fairview Park as a result of the construction of the Port Tunnel.

"This funding together with internal resources is to be used for restoration works in Fairview Park including construction of a pavilion and a new playground.

"Roads and Traffic Department sought an allocation of €8.5m in 2009 to cover anticipated needs including €1.6m for Fairview Park.

"The allocated amount of €6m by the NRA in 2009 was insufficient to meet the contractual commitments, including an incoming debit balance of €3m incurred by the City Council on the Port Tunnel Project."

Dublin City Council said that as a result of the shortfall, there was no way to go ahead with accepting tenders without the necessary finances in place.

"The city council is now rigorously pursuing the NRA to fulfil their commitments with regard to Fairview Park," it said in a statement.

"Following a meeting recently with public representatives and local clubs, a commitment was made to fast-track the construction of a modular pavilion to a specification agreed with clubs. Pending clarification of the NRA funding the likely completion date for the playground is during 2010."

The saga began as massive construction works saw Fairview Park effectively turned into a building site as the Port Tunnel was being built.

That part of the project involved a cut-and-cover tunnel, which entailed a major excavation of the park and a massive reconstruction project subsequently.