Paul Gogarty: 'disgrace'

GREEN PARTY TD Paul Gogarty has denied that his "F**k you, Deputy Stagg" outburst in the Dáil last Friday was premeditated.

Speaking to the Sunday Tribune yesterday, Gogarty denied that his outburst was a political stunt, and said: "I was not sitting there typing on my laptop that I'd better say this to Emmet Stagg. It was premeditated by about point-five of a second... I am sorry for the language I used, but it was about a gut reaction. It was not an intellectual reaction.

"I psychologically bought time by saying 'With all due respect, in the most unparliamentary language' before using expletives. I was trying to say what I felt in a parliamentary way but I couldn't. It was an emotive outburst."

Gogarty said that he was subjected to a "barrage of worse heckling" on Thursday night in the Dáil so he was disgusted when Stagg claimed on Friday that he was insincere.

Gogarty said that he does not agree with the cuts to social welfare announced in the budget, but sees them as a necessary evil to help the country out of its current economic disaster.

"When Emmet Stagg said I was insincere, that hurt. I was never more sincere in my life in the Dáil chamber and I was racking my brain to think of a response to him," said Gogarty.

"I am surprised that my comments have taken a lot of prominence in the media given the seriousness of the budget. So far the reaction to my comments has been 50% of people telling me I am a disgrace, and other 50% saying 'fair play'.

"My language was a disgrace, but the sentiment was meant. I have an issued an apology as that language is not a good example to be setting for young children."

Yesterday a Green Party spokesman said: "Paul shouldn't have done that. That language is not acceptable. But he has apologised and withdrawn his comments. Paul is Paul."