The changes in excise duty on alcohol in the budget are disturbing but sadly understandable. However, this does not make the move excusable, health-wise.

Alarmingly, the budgetary move lacks provision for effective action to counter the inevitable increase in problem drinking which will result. Many experts are already expressing concern about the increase of home drinking due to the financial downturn.

The prospect of reduced alcohol cost without redress measures will ultimately mean a massive increase in alcohol-related problems.

There has been enough talk,
enough reports, and enough studies. Alcohol-related problems increase in periods of economic downturn. Inappropriate quangos and ineffective promotion campaigns are just token expensive exercises and the issue of problem drinking continues to mushroom.

In a time of such shortages of funds, no less indeed than any other time, it behoves us to stop indulging these wasteful exercises and divert the scarce and valuable funding to effective strategies.

Gerry Hickey,
