IKEA has come under fire from animal-rights activists after it emerged the furniture retail giant is selling reindeer meat in its Dublin store.
A spokeswoman confirmed the store was now selling salami made from Santa's sleigh pullers in its Swedish section for Christmas.
John Carmody of animal-welfare group Aran said his organisation had been "inundated" with complaints from outraged Christmas shoppers in the store.
"We have had tonnes of complaints, and are flooded with calls. We have written to Ikea and called them to demand that they stop selling the reindeer meat immediately."
Carmody has also threatened a boycott of the store as well as protests if it does not stop selling the product.
"This is not acceptable. If they don't stop selling the reindeer meat we will start urging customers to boycott the store, and begin a protest ourselves. If we don't stop this, it will set a precedent for other Irish stores to start selling the meat. This is condoning animal cruelty.
"We are very concerned about this and have raised the issue in the UK, where Ikea is also selling reindeer products."
The organisation is considering recruiting celebrity ambassadors for the cause if no action is taken by Christmas.
Figures have shown that around 70% of reindeer slaughtered are calves, meaning they never get to see Christmas.
"The cruelty these animals go through in order to be made into some kind of Christmas product is quite a serious matter, and so we are making this a priority now over the next few weeks," said Carmody.
The reindeer are herded with snowmobiles, motorcycles and even helicopters, which causes a huge amount of stress to the animal.
An online campaign has already been set up by UK animal-welfare group Viva urging customers to boycott the products. It has written to Ikea citing research done by the department of neuroscience in Uppsala University, Sweden, saying: "The increasing stress associated with herding, corralling, and physical restraint of less and less tame animals results in lesions and elevated blood cortisol concentrations."
Ikea failed to answer calls.
Sick people. Count on us John re the boycott- we'll block the entrance if they don't stop supplying Ireland with rein-deer meat.
Anyway, I think Irish people are too sensible and kind-hearted to eat a rein-deer!!
And to think I could not wait for IKEA to open in Dublin!!!
Will never go there again and will advise my friends not to.
Seriously, people, that's appalling!
All slaughter is cruel, painful and stressful for animals.
I find the idea of eating wild animals particularly distaistful because of the sheer number of humans - if we all tuck in to wildlife then ther won't be any left.
There are too many of humans now to start hoovering up the world's animals in this way. It's a silly middle class obsession.
Factory farming is also a no-no - a silly working class obsession for cheap meat.
I just went vegan last year and feel much more well and happy and suggest you do the same. Just ditch meat and dairy, you'll get less cancer, lose fat and get stronger and more athletic.
Don't eat Reindeer or any other meat this xmas!!!!!
:) xXx
I am totally up for taking part in any protest against this, being a vegetarian for 20 years I have to say I found Ciaran's comment to be extremely outdated, primitive, uneducated and quite frankly - pathetic. So much in fact, that it made me laugh in a way that someone took the time to come on here and write such a hideous comment.
Part of me feels sorry for him. We - (vegetarians) are quite aware of where lamb chops come from - we don't agree with that either, or the eating of pigs, cows, fish - ANY animal - which is why we are vegetarians!!. I think anyone who eats Reindeer should be ashamed of themselves - in fact - eating any animal.
Swallow that Ciaran.
Thanks, Rita-Marie, for your splendid - or should that be splenetic? - put down. I laughed so much I nearly choked on my bacon sandwich this morning. In fact, I have nothing against vegetarianism per se. It is a perfectly valid lifestyle choice to make. What irritates me is the exaggerated seriousness, and moral superiority, of the vegetarian movement, as exemplified I'm afraid by both the article and your comments. If I could just once meet a relaxed vegetarian, who did not start preaching the moment the word "meat" is mentioned, I might even give it a try myself. Meantime, merry vegetarian Christmas!
Sunday Tribune, thank you for exposing this awful tragedy of yet again more animal exploitation - it really does go to show the depts some humans will go in order to feed their stomachs when there is some much alternatives out there. I will be sure to get involved in any campaign to urge IKEA to drop reindeer meet. Also with Ciaran's message, the reason why the planet and it's animals and environment are in so much trouble is because of backward thinking like him.
You guys and gals dont know what you re missing!
You should catch the overnight train from Stockholm to Lulea in North Sweden and wake up to a delicious breakfast of reindeer while watching the little cuties hopping around outside in the Swedish wilderness.Yum Yummie in my Tummy..otherwise,get a grip!
Ciaran, I am a relaxed vegetarian and most veggies I know are. In fairness however, you cannot blame us for getting a little fed up with comments like the first one you left. "I have eaten reindeer and it is very nice" knowing that there are going to be vegetarians on here commenting on this horrible slaughter of such a beautiful animal. It happens to be very upsetting for us. Everyone's entitled to an opinion, but when it turns into winding someone up with an immature remark - you can only expect a put down.
To Ciaran:
Yes I agree it is a much easier way of life - to be totally relaxed. Whatever cruelty and injustice is witnessed. Be that racism , ageism, human exploration , children or animal abuse.
See, this way one doesn't cause troubles for himself and lives a quiet peaceful life. They even call it being tolerant!
I have been a quite tolerant vegetarian for 17 years. At times even apologetic. But with years you learn about more and more cruelty happening around. To other people, helpless and defeated - or to animals.
Just when you think it can't get any more cruel- you find out about more appalling way of animal abuse.
Even if that breaches international law or puts in danger rare species , or is performed in an extremely inhumane manner. (like dolphin hunting, whales hunting, baby seals hunting, horse fights, rodeos. The list is just endless!)
And all - simply for pleasure or out of greediness, bigger profits. It's not a matter of survival any more!
I would love to be able to stay "chilled and easy", Ciaran, only it has become clear to all of us that something needs to change in the way we explore nature.
And it takes much more than 1 summit in Copenhagen , like the one last week - we all need to become a little bit more responsible in our daily lives.
Obviously, I don't encourage pig or lamb eating. But at least keep the "daily-plate" cruelty to minimum.
Supplying rein deers to Ireland - is an artificial way of creating demand for more extravagant cruelty . For pure commercial reasons.
I definitely boycott that.
To Ciaran:
And as for your superiority remark… Would you call a human rights activist "a big headed way too serious" guy?
Some people take injustice seriously. We are all different . To me personally cruelty to animals is no less than cruelty to people.
Both are inhumane and unnecessary . Both can be avoided. Obviously I would try to encourage others stop being part of that , or at least reduce the participation :)
Merry Christmas to you too :)
Definitely agree with Rita and Tatiana about the ridiculous, barbaric killing of Reindeer for their flesh. When I heard that IKEA were selling this meat I was sickened - but what’s even more freaky are the comments left by those that think it’s fine to eat the flesh – it seems to be their views are as horrific as the killing of the Reindeer. It comes as no surprise that 'Jeffrey Dahmer' the notorious serial killer got a sick kick from the slaughter of animals too.
For those who question ‘vegetarianism’ check out a new investigation narrated by good owl Paul McCartney www.meat.org today there is now more vegetarians and vegans than ever before.
Phil , in Amazon they say that eye balls and fingers are the tastiest parts of a human body. Likewise, some people love cat soup, very nice too, they say. In Indonesia they even have restaurants for real gourmets- where a brain of a monkey is served. It is cut from alive animal for the best taste. Yum.
My point is very simple . A civilised man needs boundaries. To stay civilised.
The thoughts of eating reindeer is appalling. Reindeer are not a native to Ireland so if Ikea are selling this type of meat which are obviously imported and alone can cause outbreaks of diseases, do people not remember where swine flu and mad cow disease all came from? It certainly didnt come from a vegetable! So all in all this will not only endanger the beautiful species but can have a devastating effect on our land. When will people ever learn? People are just getting more greedy and hungry as time goes on and animals suffer the most, what will we have imported next? Whale meat? This is all about power and money at the end of the day and Ikea should be avoided until they learn their lesson.
i am a big supporter of ARAN and must say this killing of reindeer or any animal for their flesh is WRONG.
IKEA selling reindeer meat 'salami' in it's Dublin store - this is terrible!
- so heartless, especially for Christmas or any time of the Year!
I am a vegan – and it is completely unnecessary to eat any form of animal meat as part of a healthy diet as nowadays there are many delicious vegan & vegetarian alternatives which can be readily purchased in Health stores and supermarkets. I commend Mr Carmody of Animal Rights Action Network for speaking out against the selling of this unacceptable reindeer meat. It is truly horrific especially when people learn of the cruelty these animals go through and then end up on someone’s Christmas plate! Intolerable!
I thought fascism was dead. There are some truly scary people out there. Reindeer are deer. Venison is a delicacy. Freedom of choice for all. People are entitled to their opinions but not to enforce them on other people. If you want to eat boiled stones...good for you.
Tatiana,you re scaring me now!
Im beginning to understand Ciarans'comment about"moral superiority
"..and to think that you could'nt wait for Ikea to open Tatiana!!-IKEA is a Swedish operation-in Sweden they eat reindeer meat-they decide to bring a little of their culture to the Irish-they are not forcing it down your throats!(the same way the Irish dont force their culture down anybodys throat abroad!???)its a choice,you takes it or you leaves it-besides,I dont think the Irish can lecture anything to the Swedes on animal rights or any other moral issue-I think you should get your priorities right-but I can still see a group of die-hard deluded"animal welfare-ers"demonstrating outside if IKEA proving to Sweden and the rest of the world that you are all just as silly and STUPID as we always thouught you were!Tack
You know guys, what is missing in the discussion? Just one picture.
There are 2 photos attached to the article- one with the beautiful curious rein-deer, and another -with a coloured peace of pink "nice" salami , nicely packed too.
But the whole discussion is about the missing linking picture. The actual slaughter.
IKEA and other greedy pockets take a good care that their customers don't see that link. They want us think "Oh, cute rein-deer!" and than "Oh, yum salami!".
They don't encourage us to see just HOW horrendous the meat production is. And unfortunately , people are easily fooled. They often choose to.
And if someone is surprised why vegetarians become serious when the word "meat" is dropped, I suggest , google "slaughter-house" and find out HOW that beautiful rein-deer becomes a nicely packed pink salami.
I refuse to believe that a normal person will approve the seen and have no problems with IKEA bringing pieces of rein-deers to Ireland.
Shame on you IKEA for participating in such crueltly! You've lost my custom and many more besides!
I am completely disgusted that this company is selling reindeer meat, how sick and perverted can one's thoughts get??
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I'm not sure what the issue is here. If it is cruelty to young animals, then why stop at reindeer? Where do they think lamb chops come from; animals in the sheep version of old peoples homes? If, on the other hand, it is the very fact of eating reindeer, then I'm afraid Paddy's cute animal is Sven's evening dinner. As you ask, yes I have eaten reindeer and it is very nice!