It was with great dismay that I read your editorial in this week's edition of the Sunday Tribune. The main point of Saturday's march wasn't just about the pension levy but the more equitable spreading of the burden of economic adjustment.
About 120,000 people took to the streets to voice real anger at the way they feel this government governs. A levy on people some of whom only earn €25,000 a year is neither equitable nor fair.
There is some merit in the talk about pension reform for the public sector but, frankly, this is a red herring propagated by Ibec and their fellow travellers. I feel the equation private workers = sinned against, public workers = sinners is a tad simplistic. Instead of bashing the public service why don't you take a look at consultants, doctors etc who have ripped off the country for far too long? Maybe the media and politicians are part of some cosy establishment and therefore it suits you to look the other way.
Ben Healy,
Ard Mhuire, Coolcotts,
Co Wexford.