This is not a surprise. I quite clearly can't predict [more cases] but looking at the progression of this around the world, we expect it and are ready for it
Department of Health's chief medical officer Dr Tony Holohan speaking after the first probable case of swine flu in Ireland
It was a really nice day. Then you hear a bang. Everyone looks up and you see people flying through the air
Peter von de Vorst, a Dutch journalist who witnessed a crowd massacre in Holland on Thursday in what was believed to have been an attempted attack on members of the royal family
No, he's not a poser. He probably likes himself alright, but he's not a poser. He does like to run around with his top off after he scores though
Roy Keane on his former teammate Cristiano Ronaldo
A person who publishes or utters blasphemous matter shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable upon conviction on indictment to a fine not exceeding €100,000
We are not prepared to accept any arrangements for the Order of Business today unless the Minister for Finance makes an arrangement to come into the House and clarify the absolute dog's breakfast that has been made of the withdrawal of mortgage interest relief from about 60,000 home owners
Labour's finance spokeswoman Joan Burton attacks the government over the withdrawal of mortgage interest relief
If the state wants to charge me now with making a false statement then I'm willing to go back. There would be no need for extradition. I would go voluntarily
Una Hardester, who admitted making up a false allegation of sexual abuse against her former neighbour, Galway man Michael Feichin Hannon, whose prosecution was, in turn, declared a miscarriage of justice
What has emerged is shameful trash, all in the name of power