And the booby prize goes to... a bra that's gas altogeter
The winners of the 2009 lg Nobel Awards, prizes which honour achievements that "first make people laugh and then make them think", included a bra which can be transformed into two gas masks, won by Dr Elena Bodnar. Other winners were Douglas and Peter Rowlinson who discovered that cows with names produce more milk. The prize for economics went to the governor of Zimbabwe's Reserve Bank for printing almost endless denominations of notes.
What ho! Turtle swims Brit by Brit around the Caribbean
A turtle from the Turks and Caicos who swum 550 miles around the Caribbean has confused scientists by only sticking to British territories on her trip. Now experts are trying to figure out why British territories make the route better.
Is that a gun in your purse or are you just stupid?
In London, girlfriends of young men are being warned not to hide their partner's weapons. Seven recent cases saw teenage girls charged with possessing guns. "This seems to be increasing and those who are involved seem to be younger and younger," said anti-gun lobbyist Claudia Webbe.
Out of step with Islam
A group of Muslim clerics disrupt a samba display in Lebanon saying: "We support tourism but are against obscenity."