WELSH police have extended bail for two Wexford GAA players at the centre of an eight-month investigation into allegations of a hotel sex assault.

The two men, both members of the Rapparees Starlights GAA club in Enniscorthy, were arrested after a woman made a complaint to police.

Three players were questioned at Aberystwyth police station following the incident last February, although one has been ruled out of the inquiry.

The Rapparees club said the men are awaiting a decision but have protested their innocence to investigators.

Wexford TD and club chairman John Browne told the Sunday Tribune: "They have made their statements to the police and they are now awaiting a decision.

"I wasn't privy to what they said to the police but obviously they were protesting their innocence."

The players in question had been on a team-building trip to the Welsh university town with their club when the alleged incident took place.

A local source said: "The team would go down to Kerry or Kilkenny or somewhere on a bonding trip before the start of most seasons and that is what the Welsh trip was. This is the first time it went haywire."

The allegation is believed to have involved the two men in a hotel room with the woman in question, who had initially been in the room with just one of them, although details of what occurred are unconfirmed.

A spokeswoman for the Welsh police say the pair have had their police bail renewed a number of times but was unsure as to when a decision would be taken on whether or not to bring charges.

It is also unclear why the investigation has so far taken eight months.

Browne said the men have not had to return to Wales and their solicitors were being kept informed of any progress in the investigation.

"We are awaiting a decision and hopefully it will be sorted and we can get on with life."