We must ask ourselves what was wrong in our message, in our entire way of configuring the Christian being, that allowed such a thing to occur
Pope Benedict adDresses the issue of sexual abuse in his christmas speech
I couldn't believe the decision when it came. Apparently, my life wasn't at immediate risk
Terminal Cancer sufferer Michelle Harte is forced to travel to Britain for an abortion after the ethics committee at Cork University Hospital decided her life was not under 'immediate threat'
We had a vision. The vision is over
Lissadell owner Edward Walsh faces up to the local council's enforcement of public rights of way through the estate
Nama is acutely sensitive to the risk that developers have tried... to transfer assets from their own names to spouses or other family members in order to remove them from the scope of Nama
Nama insists it will jump through any loopholes to chase indebted developers
In a large organisation that is not short of preaching to the rest of us about what we should and shouldn't be doing about our responsibilities, I thought RTÉ sold itself short
Drugs minister Pat Carey on RTé's relative silence over Gerry Ryan's death
I think that would have been the thing that scared us the most... your family never knowing how your final days ended and where your body was
Former Goal worker Sharon Commins on her 107 days as a hostage in Sudan
Ireland and her people are worth much, much more than to be defined by the economic crisis