Sum-nik-Shoo is not the name of this Korean thief...
The lust for shoes is very much a modern phenomenon, but a Korean man has taken it one step further by stealing 1,200 pairs of shoes from funeral goers. Striking when shoe-wearers were most vulnerable ? at funerals in Seoul where it is a mark of respect to remove one's footwear ? the shoe thief would swap the expensive stolen pair of shoes for a cheap pair
and walk off in the stolen items. The 59-year-old, known only as Park, stored them in a warehouse. Police caught him at a funeral parlour stealing three pairs.
"Hello ,Cleveland! I see your problems go right up to eleven"
Forbes magazine has named Cleveland as the most miserable city in the USA. The Ohio city has high unemployment, bad sports teams, dodgy weather and high taxes, all of which have earned it the dubious nickname 'the Mistake by the Lake'.
Kitty rescues itself from doing the can-can
Animal workers in Scotland were amazed when a sick cat managed to make its way to an animal welfare shelter in Fife on its own in spite of having a can stuck to its head. The cat wandered into the SPCA rescue centre and was treated by staff.
He's the Dan Boyle of Texas rodents...
Meet Caplin Rous, a capybara and the world's largest rodent pet, who has become a Twitter hit with 3,000 people following his activities from his owner's base in Texas.