Mr Ambassador,

I must protest the IDF's illegal boarding of the Irish ship MV Rachel Corrie in international waters off Gaza, and the IDF's use of Irish passports in its war on Hamas. The date of the former incident – 5 June – was the eve of the 66th anniversary of the arrival of another flotilla, that time to free Europe from fascism. It is sad that Israel has now become the oppressor determined to oppose another landing.

Paper, pencils and chocolate are banned! Really, sir, Israel is a failing state if threatened by wheelchairs. Israel's crime on the high seas is the work of a rogue state. Having driven the length of Israel and the occupied territories of the West Bank in the 1980s, I fully realise the beauty of your country and people, but deplore the actions of the IDF and its political masters. Israel has every right to exist, and prosper in peace, but not by and through Israeli state terrorist actions.

Recently I brought my family, including young nieces and nephews, to Auschwitz to show them first hand the evil that men are capable of. I was further reminded of this fact after watching the Israeli film Waltz With Bashir dealing with the 1983 Sabra and Shatila refugee-camp massacres. Personally I also needed to visit Auschwitz to separate my feeling towards those of the Jewish religion, the IDF and the government of Israel. (This I have achieved.)

My outlook and views of Israel were influenced as a result of my witnessing the appalling behaviour of the IDF, its proxy militia in southern Lebanon, the IDF massacre at Quna in 1996 and now the murder of nine Turkish nationals by the IDF. Enough!

My family and I will be boycotting Israeli goods until the blockade of Gaza is lifted.

Tony Doonan Capt (Rtd),

57 Merrion Court,

