It was surprising to see that the only coverage of the Special Olympics in last week's Sunday Tribune focused on the omission of Ms Marion Kelly from the opening ceremony. While it has to be acknowledged that the treatment of Ms Kelly as outlined in your article was inexcusable it is unbelievable that this was the extent of the coverage your newspaper gave to what was one of the biggest sporting events to take place in Ireland this year.

Some 1,900 athletes, 850 coaches and official delegates, 3,500 volunteers and 3,500 family members attended the games while more than 20,000 people gathered in Thomond Park for a spectacular opening ceremony. The Special Olympics demonstrate all that is positive, upbeat and good about our society.

At a time when, as a nation, we could do with some good news stories your publication failed your readers and more importantly failed all those who, despite tremendous challenges, took part in the games.

Anne Devereux,

Caherdavin Heights,
