Jews take to Jerusalem streets against integration

Over 100,000 Ultra-Orthodox Jews took to the streets in Jerusalem on Thursday to protest integration rules in schools. Parents of European descent are refusing to allow their daughters to study with children of Middle Eastern or North African descent, claiming it is not for racial reasons, but because they are not religious enough. Police are seeking 22 mothers and two fathers who failed to turn up for a jail sentence imposed after it was found out they were illegally segregating a school.

Mexican matador "didn't have the balls" for bulls

In Mexico City, a matator was arrested for breach of contract after fleeing a bullfight. Christian Hernandez scrambled across the ring in Plaza Mexico, jumped over the wall and ran away after a bull charged him. After paying a fine he told local television, "I didn't have the balls; this is not my thing."

Bulldozer tells bikers the puppy's gonna get it

A German student caused a major traffic jam in Bavaria this week after throwing a puppy at a group of Hell's Angels before escaping in a bulldozer.

The 26-year-old dumped the bulldozer causing a three-mile tailback in Allershausen. A spokesman for the police confirmed that the puppy was unharmed.

South Africa: now down Mexico way

An American television station gets slightly confused about the location of the World Cup.