Sweeney's not on her tod with Healy-Rae at her table
Ann Sweeney, one of two independent candidates running in this week's Donegal South West by-election, has exclusively focused her campaign on social media outlets instead of going on a traditional door-to-door canvass. She got 1% in last week's Paddy Power/Red C opinion poll.
The manager of the Carrig Rua Hotel in Dunfanaghy was the founder of the New Ireland Party three years ago and renamed it the New Island Party three months ago. As well as her unconventional approach to the election, her hotel's website carries a review from an unconventional critic.
He claimed, "The Carrig Rua Hotel is a wonderful spot where Ann and Danny Sweeney and their family will bestow on you the warmest of welcomes, and sharpest of wit – in equal measure."
The hotel may not have any Michelin stars but it must be one of the few hotels in the world to boast a review from Kerry county councillor Michael Healy-Rae.
Séan powers ahead on own
Seán Power, the Fianna Fáil TD for Kildare South, managed to tap into the public mood when he attacked his own government in an outburst in the Dáil on Wednesday night. He accused them of "trying to play a cute game" of words by continually refuting speculation about an EU/IMF bailout. The previous day in the Dáil, Brian Cowen's eyebrows raised and he looked behind him when Power took the unprecedented move, for a government TD, of seeking the adjournment of the Dáil to debate the "urgent matter" of the bailout speculation. After Power's call fell on deaf ears, he decided to show his disgust at the cabinet's denials the next day.
Simon Harris goes top of the pops on YouTube
After the June 2009 local elections, Fine Gael's Simon Harris got the highest vote in the entire country with 3,119 first preferences or 31.76% of the vote in the Greystones electoral area of Wicklow County Council.
But Harris, who works as a parliamentary assistant to Fine Gael Senator Frances Fitzgerald, has obviously ruffled a few political feathers. In recent days some pranksters have uploaded a video on YouTube, lasting over six minutes, with a song that derides Harris. Among the more tame lyrics in the song is the line: "I voted for Simon Harris but I regret it."