I have absolutely no confidence at all that the people who led us into this economic catastrophe are capable of leading us out
How does he account for the state of the country that he has led for the past 12 months?
I thank Deputy Kenny for wishing me well on my first anniversary!
I join with Deputy Kenny in marking the first anniversary of the Taoiseach's elevation to office. I hope there won't be a second one. I don't know how it's been for him, but it's been pretty lousy for the rest of us
Why do you think? For my children
There has been damage as a consequence of media attention on one member of the board
God has a way of working things out and we believe this baby saved Samantha's life
I was a bit disappointed – more for my family and supporters than for myself – when told five days later that I was being replaced by a reserve in the next stage
He once criticised Michael McDowell as being the Tammy Wynette of Irish politics. And then he turned around and he was the Tammy Wynette of the Green Party, standing by Bertie
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