Rowan as a boy: 'sound guys'

Thirty years ago, as a cute five-year-old, he was photographed for the cover of U2's debut single. But this week in Croke Park it will be U2 in the frame when the boy who starred on some of their best-known record sleeves photographs them at their massive homecoming gigs.

Now an award-winning photographer, Peter Rowan (36) is known to millions of music fans around the globe from the cover of U2 albums Boy and War and their 1998 singles collection.

"It would be a shame not to shoot something with them while they're home." he said.

Despite his long association with U2, Rowan will be treated like every other snapper accredited for the three monster U2 shows in Croke Park on Friday, Saturday and Monday this week.

Rowan's introduction to the band in 1979 came from his brother Guggi, now a best-selling artist but then a member of punk band The Virgin Prunes, and a friend of Bono's.

"Why they picked me to be on a U2 sleeve, I just don't know. I was five so memories aren't so great."

Despite being closely associated with U2, he doesn't know the group's members all that well.

"Obviously Bono is a family friend and whenever I've met Edge out with him, they've always struck me as sound guys."