No HSE employee has been disciplined as a result of the Leas Cross nursing home scandal in the four years since the scale of the neglect there was first made public.

Despite the fact that the Commission of Investigation into the Co Dublin
nursing home last week found that supervision of
it by the HSE and the
former Northern Area Health Board was seriously lacking, a spokeswoman for the HSE also confirmed that
it does not expect any disciplinary action to be taken in the future.

The revelation comes as families of deceased Leas Cross residents last week outlined their concerns about the failure of the HSE and former health boards to enforce the findings of several reports which they say had highlighted the home's shortcomings.

A HSE spokeswoman said the disclosure of the practices at Leas Cross had "led to the transfer of staff out of the Northern Area Health Board inspection process that was in place at the time".

However, she confirmed that no HSE employee had been disciplined on foot of the Leas cross scandal, adding that the body does not envisage any disciplinary proceedings being initiated as a result of last week's report.

According to last week's report, staff at Dublin's Beaumont hospital witnessed a recurring pattern of residents being admitted from the home with problems such as pressure sores which either "were or could be indicators of poor care".

But it said that prior to the introduction of a formal reporting system in 2005, there was no evidence of complaints being made by staff to the health board or HSE.