* The army equestrian team, which once seemed to walk away with the Aga Khan trophy every summer, should be abolished.
Savings: €1m
* Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM) should close its "small number" of ice-making factories.
Savings: Unspecified
* The Defence Forces should charge government departments the "full economic cost" of providing transport for ministers "in the interests of transparency", or contract the service out to the private sector.
Savings: Unspecified
* Exchequer funding (currently €36m) to TG4 should be gradually reduced by around €10m and replaced from TV licence fee income. But McCarthy stressed that the licence fee should not be increased, which means that RTE, already in financial crisis, will have to hand over €10m of its licence fee revenue to TG4.
Savings: €10m
* A €3 entrance fee to the National Gallery would generate possible revenue for the gallery of €3 million.
Savings: €3m
* The requirement under Minister Eamon Ó Cuiv's Official Languages Act to translate all official publications into Irish, involving "significant additional cost", should apply to a more limited range of cases.
Savings: Unspecified
* Cathal Brugha Barracks, one of just two army barracks in Dublin, should be sold and personnel moved elsewhere.
Savings: Unspecified
* Army personnel who stay on in army quarters even after their discharge and pay a standard plus 10% should be charged the full market rate.
Savings: €0.1m
* A special green schools programme to convince schoolchildren and their parents to walk to and from school should be ended and more reliance placed on "community spirit and organisation" to achieve the same result.
Savings: €10m
* The €1.6 bn annual state contribution to the national pension reserve fund, which was set up as a 'rainy day' savings fund by former finance minister McCreevy and which was recently was plundered to save the banks from collapse, should be suspended.
Savings: No saving but would reduce government's borrowing requirement by €1.6bn