Pavel Kalite: victim

The families of two Polish men killed in Dublin in 2007 are "distraught" after being flown over to Ireland last week only for the trial to be postponed.

The Central Criminal Court trial of two youths accused of killing Pawel Kalite (29) and Marius Szwajkos (27) was adjourned until next term on Monday following an application by defence counsel.

Sean Keogh (19) of Vincent Street West, Inchicore, and David Curran (18) of no fixed abode are accused of murdering the two men on Benbulben Road, Drimnagh, in February 2007.

Giollaíosa Ó Lideadha, defending Curran, told Justice Paul Carney that additional evidence had been recently served on the defence and certain tests had to be carried on his client.

Members of the two men's families had been flown over to attend the trial and were present in court to hear that the trial would not proceed as planned.

"They were very upset but there was not a lot we could do," said a garda source. "The two families had been flown over from Poland and we believed the trial would proceed.

"They had psyched themselves up for it only to be told it was put back.

"We could not foresee that this would happen. It was just one of those things. It was very distressing for the two families. The trial will most likely proceed now in October."

Justice Paul Carney said he was reluctant to adjourn the case as the defendants had been returned for trial almost a year ago. But he said he could not force the trial to go on and acceded to the defence application to adjourn the trial.

The case will appear in the next list to fix dates in the new court term following the summer break.