RTé personality Derek Mooney was at the centre of a row last week after he appeared to joke about the plight of troubled sports broadcaster Setanta Sports.

The presenter made the comments during a sports report on his RTé Radio One programme last Wednesday afternoon.

In a sports bulletin following the 4pm news, reporter Siobhan Madigan described how Setanta had suspended subscriptions to its sports services and was making every effort to avoid administration.

However, when Madigan added: "The stricken broadcaster said senior management are continuing in their bid to refinance the company", Mooney interrupted the report to say: "RTé will be delighted I'm sure." This prompted laughter in the studio as Madigan attempted to begin her next report.

However, the gloating has gone down badly with Setanta's 200 Irish staff, many of whom were listening to RTé Radio at the time in the hope of hearing news about their company's fate.

One angry Setanta worker said: "For Derek Mooney to joke about 200 Irish workers losing their jobs is outrageous and unforgivable. It's particularly hurtful when Derek Mooney is gloating from the position of being in a safe job in a semi-state company while being paid a fortune."

When asked about the incident, Mooney, whose annual salary from RTé is €242,408, apologised. He said: "It was a flippant remark. I certainly didn't mean any harm by it and I deeply regret if it has caused any offence or upset."

Meanwhile Setanta Sports staff were told "the lights would be still on next week" in a meeting with management held at their Townsend Street office on Friday afternoon.

Revealing that new investment had been found, employees were assured the new investor, US?millionaire Leonard Blavatnik, had "deep pockets".

See Sport p20, Business, p4