GARDAí are on the hunt for an anonymous prankster who hung a nude portrait of Taoiseach Brian Cowen in the hallowed halls of the National Gallery.
The still unidentified renegade artist, (since identified as 35 year old Conor Casby) had painted Cowen as he was sitting on the loo with a roll of toilet paper in his hand. The painter's attempts at lifting the country's spirits certainly worked as dozens of visitors to the gallery last week were left chuckling at the unorthodox artwork.
One woman commented: "Well, at least that is one mess he has been able to clean up."
The bizarre prank began earlier this month when the artist calmly walked in the front entrance of the National Gallery carrying a shoulder bag.
He perused a number of rooms before making his way to the National Portrait Collection of the National Gallery, which features paintings of Ireland's most famous citizens.
The unidentified artist first stuck up a prepared caption for the artwork, which matched up exactly with the explanatory notes for the painting.
It read: "Brian Cowen, Politician, 1960-2008. This portrait, acquired uncommissioned by the National Gallery, celebrates one of the finest politicians produced by Ireland since the foundation of the state.
"Following a spell at the helm of the Department of Finance during a period of unprecedented prosperity, Brian Cowen inherited the office [of] Taoiseach in 2008.
"Balancing a public image that ranges from fantastically intelligent analytical thinker to big ignorant f**ker from Offaly, the Taoiseach proves to be a challenging subject to represent."
He then went on to hang the portrait of Cowen, sitting naked with a roll of toilet paper in his hand. The unflattering picture hung for over an hour and hundreds of patrons of the gallery passed it believing it to be a genuine part of the collection.
The National Portraits Collection consists of around 50 paintings of famous Irish people including modern celebrities such as Bono and Gay Byrne along with historical figures like Michael Collins and William Butler Yeats.
When the prank painting was spotted by security staff, they immediately took it down and brought it to the attention of gallery management. Gardaí from nearby Pearse Street station were called to the scene where they examined the portrait and CCTV footage.
Bemused officers told management, however, that it was unlikely the rogue artist had committed any type of criminal offence.
It later emerged that the mystery painter had hung a second nude portrait of Cowen holding only a pair of y-fronts in the nearby RHA Gallery on Saturday afternoon.
A National Gallery source said: "It wasn't a question of having vandalised or damaged any of the paintings, just adding another one to the collection.
"It was obviously something that had been planned for a long time as the frame of the painting and the caption had been matched closely to portraits already there."
A statement from the National Gallery said: "The gallery does not allow unauthorised displays. One can only surmise that it was an action by someone seeking to use the gallery for self-promotion or other reasons."
Excellent. I for one would like to commission the piece, if only for the upcoming elections.
Political Satire at its best! I'd love to know where the paintings have ended up.
Political art should be venerated a lot higher than any of the cheap impressionist tat that's in there. People are walking, Talking, Cowen better do something quick or end game starts.
Banksy, "Withus Oragainstus" at http://subtopia.blogspot.com/2006/01/...
this is SO BRILLIANT! kudos to the artist for being so clever.
A work of true brilliance rivalling Caravaggio at his best.
pure brilliance, takes the gloom and dooom outta the recession!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
class act! This t most brilliant idea ever!! The mind of a Stephen King and t artistry of a Da Vinci! Genius!
Whoever hung these paintings should have a national holiday named after them.
Bids starting at €1,000 for 'Bogroll Biffo'
€1500 for Brian 'Pants' Cowen
Sir I salute you
and we must continue to tear into the core of this inherited sham of governance, strip it bare with ridicule and satire and honest scrutiny until it can't wipe its ass or change its jocks without us approving every minute detail of its passing....Bravo!!
absolute public hero! BANKSY hangs painting in louvre in paris...'much'!? check out the banksy book 'wall and piece'!pure genius!! how can i buy even a copy of these 'Works of art'...to hang gloriously in my sitting room!
love it.
don't stop, keep up the good work.
Commenting from an english perspective this is truly fantastic and a great tribute to the Irish sense of humour - well done on the field lads!
bravo WELL HUNG [ the paintings that is,,,,not the subject, he. he ] Told ye turn out the lights did'nt I.
Nice to see someone talking through their arts - a change from what we get from Cowen and the other leading lights of Ireland.
Better that he has a toilet roll than a pint of stout in his hand. Maybe he can use it to clean up the mess to be left on all of us over the coming budget!
Truly great art reflects what the collective conscious struggles to express.well done ,you are a true warrior and giant of an artist.More power to your creativity.Your authentic art deserves to be hung in our national galleries.
Has anyone spared a thaught for the poor hundred people who saw this, were they ok?
Cannot stop laughing!! If there is any serious note to this it's that it's not far off the mark. Genius artist, well done. This is legendary!!
I think this "artist" was very "hard up" for something to paint......Would he/she portray his/her parents in the same way and put their picture/pictures in a public place...Perhaps not not on his/her own doorstep.I hope artist gets all the attention that he/she seems to be craving!
@Marcus: I think you've completely lost the point. Are the artists parents senior government members?
RTE reported this story and later issued an apology for it. Demanding this apology and suggesting that the RTE Director General should resign is an outrageous attack on the freedom and independence of the media. i hope there will be no such apologies forthcoming from The Sunday Tribune. If the RTE DG can't stand up to such bullying tactics, perhaps he should resign.
with respect to Marcus' comment I think it should be fairly obvious that this was intended as act of Civil Disobedience. And since Brian Cowen has the lowest approval-rating of any Taoiseach since records began (as far as I know) it seems fairly well-deserved.
how about one of mary harney to complete the rogues gallery
Ireland - A land of saints, scholars and clever painters with an excellent sense what's funny- I raise my hat to you!
I love it. Cowen & Co are really making a fuss about nothing. He hardly expects a knighthood at this point in time.
There have been serious issues of misconduct/neglect of duties in other areas and these people get bonuses. Double standards or what.
perhaps a sumo annexe could include harney de valera and cowen.
in my humble duty to the country i did my best to service as many artists as i could.
Fantastic.... loved this story.. very Banksy... some day I'll do something like this...!
Perhaps a new style of paint has been born, "Art Biffeau"
Keep up the good work.
love the line brian cowan HANGING in the national gallery
Last Sunday's Tribune has reached an all time low. Its says alot about the editor and the so called artist, even the gutter tabloid press in Britain wouldn't stoop that low. Wasn't that a lovely mothers day for Brian's mother May, his wife Mary and two daughters. When Ian Paisley made an ignorant remark about Brian Cowen a couple of years ago the Irish people were none too happy. What the Sunday Tribune has done is far worse, its shows a complete lack of respect to Brian his family and also to the office of An Taoiseach. How would the editor feel if any of his family were treated as Brian Cowen was. He should show some decency if he has any and publicly apologise to Brian Cowen and his family for hurt he has caused them Mary and his two daughters in particular.
Cant see what all the fuss is about. If only he exercised as much hoopla about the crooked bankers as he did about a simple nude arty work!!!
Idon't see what's the problem with it? It's a piece of art expressing something that the artist wants other people to think about. We can paint ordinary people naked but when it comes to someone important there's a big uproar. Well done to the artist it's about time someone said something!!!!!
These comments are a disgrace. The Tribune and its editor should be ashamed of themselves. Ye have no repect for the Office of the Taoiseach, Brian Cowen himself or his family. This paper should have a long close look at itself.
Anyone know where to get the one of him taking a leak ?
Jes the Gardai out on a full force hunt now for the 'culprit' after 3 days! It took them about 3 months to go knocking on Anglo's door after they stole hundreds of thousands of our money. Ireland really is a police and polictical state now. If this artist gets done for this there really is no justice left.......
How sinister that our public service broadcaster should be told to apologise and, worse, should acquiesce so readily.
Listened to Michael Kennedy TD on the radio today (I assume the same who has posted here) and checked here expecting to be be confronted with shockingly offensive images. But these are nothing compared to political satire elsewhere. When are we going to get grown-up politics and politicians in this country?
Fair dues to the artist, makes me proud to be Irish.
For all of those on facebook show your support
The fuss this has generated is beyond a joke. Has a politician really called for the head of RTE to resign over this .... after all the things they have done and failed to do.
As for respecting the office of the Taoiseach, well I was brought up to believe that respect is earned. There hasn't been a respectable Taoiseach since Garrett.
best titter I've had in a long time
lets hang a few more out to dry
including the green greens and union execs as well
I see Kennedy has called on the DG of RTE to resign,I second that..WTF did he apologise?This is a democracy,I want my news served up as the state broadcaster see fit not as clowen and co decide.
Jesus but you would think they had enough to be dealing with with out sending clowns like Kennedy on the Pat kenny prog with his sense of outrage....I too have a sense of outrage kennedy,at how you guys f****ed up Ireland over the last 12 years,whats next martial law?The sooner these useless clowns are run out of town on a rail the better.
there should be postcards made of this and sold as souvenirs for everyone to put up on their fridge so they can look at it and get a smile every time they see their wage-slips and see how much damn tax they have to pay now!
Skerriesred, how right you are. Garrett Fitzgerald was the last politician that I admired in this country. Some of the current lot cannot even speak properly never mind solve all our problems. The reaction to a few paintings speaks volumns about that shower up in the Dail........
Great idea John #52 - but they'd probably come and raid every house in the country! Whatever about his physical portrayal, the Taoiseach should be more concerned with his personal portrayal in all this. He has come across as nothing but a cry baby and a bully. Spitting Image managed groteseque portrayals of politicians, celebs, even the royal family for years without censure or hissy fits from those concerned.
I applaud this artist for his/her work. The Fianna Fail reaction reveals their hubris, their unmitigated conceit. These images should be printed as postcards, yes, and sold in every Post Office to be posted, post-free, with our comments to this government. Freedom of expression? Let's have some! It may be soon the only freedom left to us by this government. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder; Mini-Minister Kennedy should look in the mirror of public opinion.
our very own "Banksy". about time, brightened up my day although the ridiculous overeaction really makes you wonder...
These Fianna Failers think they are some kind of Gaelic chiefs. Little has changed since the Haughey days, but the day of reckoning is coming. I think satire gives the nation a lift and I don't think any politician in any party has any special privilege's to be exempted from legitimate artisitic comment and satire. This guy is a heroic modern day Hogart exposing politics warts and all (so to speak). How dare Fianna Fail attempt to muzzle the national media. Are these guys so out of touch after so many years in office. Respect for the office of Taoiseach indeed - it was Ahern and Haughey that cheapened Irish politics and the office of Taoiseach!!!!!!!
Thats Fianna Fail all over, they are too high and mighty to take a joke and have lost a grip on reality. The Guards are an utter disgrace. They wont do anything about citizens attacked on the streets but will arrest an artist for a caricature and take possession of a further five paintings of other politicians!!! How long did it take FF and the Guards to go after Anglo Irish…? Ill buy that painting, at last a bit of sunshine in this increasingly miserable time.
As a foreign national in Ireland I find it quite disturbing that Irish politics is so personal.The slagging off of your leader leaves alot to be desired and I find some of the comments astonishing. With this personalising of politics towards your Prime Minister and the hurt caused to his family you have let your Nation and its people down. It has reached the media from Austraila to China to the USA. Show some self respect as a Nation and look at Brian Cowen as a person first and a politician secondly.
The contribution by Viktoria as a foreign national has given me food for thought. She is right we should be supporting our Taoiseach in these difficult times not making little of ourselves by causing hurt to Brian Cowen and his wife and two daughters. Good on you Viktoria an outside view is sometimes the best.
If Mr Cowen is so concerned about his image - then why does he not do something about it. ..... My vote is with the artist. Cowen - get over yourself!
Viktoria, yes politics in Ireland like the UK is personal. We will support our Politicians when we see they have the welfare of the Country at heart rather than lining their own pockets. Also we have a sense of humour unlike other countries. Goodness me in the UK they had Spitting Image which ridiculed all their Government ministers and Prime Ministers. I never heard of the Police raiding the studios where the series was made. This Country is becoming a bit like the old Soviet Union.
3,301 Members on 'Leave Conor Casby Alone!' as I type this. Links to email campaigns RTE/BCC/Taoiseach's Office/Garda Complaints/Michael Kennedy TD
I am non-political and have no affiliation with any political party. This is totally disrespectful to the Office of Taoiseach and to Mr. Cowen and his family. The media regard themselves as judge and jury on all segments of society except their own. Not accountable to anyone, they defend the indefensible and shout about freedom of the press while denying it to anyone but themselves. Must we slavishly follow standards of other jurisdictions down to their lowest level? If this is considered funny, we are on the slippery slope down to no standards.
Yip, Viktoria is a foreign national alright! More like a FF national! Ye're not fooling anybody, FF member all round.
I will laugh every time I remember this act of satire, wit and daring derision. As an Irish-American artist in faraway Oklahoma may I loudly applaud Conor Casby for showing that, as my sainted wife just said, "The emperor has no clothes!".
Is the support for this "artist" some sort of tacit approval for some "satirist" to go into our National Gallery and destroy some valuable work. I love satire, but there is a time and place for it. The main evening News is not the place for satire. Radio 1 had satire of the highest standard in Scrap Saturday, but lost it
I am all for free speech, but in all fairness this portrayal of a man who has given the better part of his adult life to serve the Irish people is Offensive, Low, Base, Nasty, Mean-spirted and shows an obvious lack of regard for the Office Of Taoiseach. This picture did not need to be reproduced in this paper and shows a blatantly obvious attempt to sell a few copies. Furthermore this is not satire, as satire draws into question politics not the physical attributes of the politicians. The 'artist''s parents obviously didn't hug as the 'artist''s obvious cry for attention shows.
It gets worse. Pat Kenny licks the establishment by covering the controversy with a 'debate' and doesn't have the guts to stand up to Superpru Mary O'Rourke and show an image of the paintings. But perhaps that's what we're supposed to think. This 'debate' was about as false as Red Hurley's miming. How convenient for Pat and his producer to have Mary there with her convent school demands. No need for another apology from RTE. In any event, the 'debate' was meaningless as any discussion of the portraits without the captions is void. The artist's message was not about Brian Cowen's physique, but about how he has led the country down the tubes.
Oh come on folks....where has the Irish sense of humour gone?
This was done for a laugh and not to offend the Taoiseach or his family and people should see it for what it is. Might even get him a few votes if he made a light hearted comment about it. Should think he will need them.
If the same thing had been done to Bertie, I think he would have had a laugh about it.
"44 Mary commented, on March 25, 2009 at 7:29 p.m.:
Jes the Gardai out on a full force hunt now for the 'culprit' after 3 days! It took them about 3 months to go knocking on Anglo's door after they stole hundreds of thousands of our money." Maybe we should just forget about the rule of law and go back to lynching people. Would that make the mob happy? You actually need evidence before you can charge people in this country or maybe you want to change that. There is no evidence that "they" "stole our money" - it was not our money at the time anyway - for the record no money has yet been given to Anglo as they did make a profit last year but could not get funding to continue due to the credit crunch and then reputational issues. They lent too much to developers like the other banks and and Sean Fitzpatrick did very inappropriate things which should be pursued as they have caused significant problems for Ireland but you can't march people off to jail as people seem to want without evidence and a trial. There is also a difference between people making commercial mistakes - for which they should lose their jobs - and committing fraud or other criminal offences. There is absolutely no point in setting up agencies like the ODCE and then not letting them do their job - it was the ODCE's decision to call in the fraud squad as he thought that his investigation merited that. If people broke the law then they should be prosecuted. I agree with Viktoria as I hate the vicious nasty personal nature of the commentary on politicians which is endemic in Ireland and is very negative and quite depressing - I avoid listening to the radio as much as possible to get away from it. Personally, I don't know why anyone would want the job - I know that they are paid well but I would hate to have to deal with the grief that goes with it. Also, if you look around the world politicians in general are having difficulties dealing with the credit crisis - governments have fallen in Iceland, Latvia and the Czech Republic as well as severe political difficulties in the Ukraine. Obama and Gordon Brown are being criticised - most recently in the European Parliament which has become a hit in You Tube apparently http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94lW6Y...
So, I don't think anyone has all of the answers for the economic problems facing us and I don't have any confidence that if you get rid of Brian Cowen that his replacement would have any easy answers to fixing the economy. I think that the painting is mean spirited and cruel - it seems to represent modern Ireland.
I agree with Des, of course Viktoria is FF. What Maureen says is right, if FF were not lining there own pockets with their banker and auctioneer friends, well then we would have respect for him. The truth is the country has no respect for Brian Cowen or the rest of the auctioneers/bankers/counselors that make up the so called Government/development co., that is run from The Teach Dail. How many ministers do you know that have auctioneering businesses? There is an entire family in the Dail that have an auctioneering businesses, the rest have brothers and sisters in development companies or they are in charge of the big road contracts or something equally as big. They are all multi millionaires while the rest of us are just scraping by. If there was a survey carried out on how much property the Ministers owen or there spouses, it would be interesting to see the result. Someone should do that. There are hundreds of thousands of couples in this country trying to get on the property ladder and they are being used by the Government to try to kick start the property market "as a favour to the developer" friends, this is just an example of how Brian Cowen cares. I say roll on the paintings. This is coming from someone who voted FF in the last election. Yes I am ashamed and I assure you it will never happen again. I feel we have a load of Mugabe's at the helm.
Couldn't have put it better myself Maire. I am in total agreement with you. When Brian Cowan starts to have some respect for his Irish public, only then should he be shown respect. I do not, think that the Irish people are bad thinking people, we just expect to be treated fairly. No one in this country would wish to cause the Cowen family any harm or embarrassment but you can not blame them for getting a little bit of a kick out of embarrassing someone, who is supposed to have every Irish person's interest at heart, not just his own and that of his millionaire friends. Brian it is time to start being honest and fair with your people and then we will all support you. Then and only then.
nice one to the artist. You have my full respect! not only for the cool paintings but the creative imagination to do something like that... keep on keeping on...
The following is a link to Gargantua, a cartoon from 1831 by Honore Daumier http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia...
It depicts King Louis Phillipe sitting on a commode devouring the states resources and producing sinecures and favours. I understand he spent some time in gaol for this so not the first time the toilet motif satire got someone in trouble.
There you go.
Honore Daumier Published works
When, during the reign of Louis Philippe, Charles Philipon launched the comic journal, "La Caricature", Daumier joined its staff, which included such powerful artists as Devéria, Raffet and Grandville, and started upon his pictorial campaign of satire, targeting the foibles of the bourgeoisie, the corruption of the law and the incompetence of a blundering government. His caricature of the king as "Gargantua" led to Daumier's imprisonment for six months at Ste Pelagic in 1832. Soon after, the publication of "La Caricature" was discontinued, but Philipon provided a new field for Daumier's activity when he founded the "Le Charivari".
In my opinion people really need to get over themselves, this has been completely and ridiculously blown out of proportion. Bottom line ... its funny. All these erratic Cowen supporters are making the situation worse as far as i can see. And as for the puclic apology, how pathetic ... in that case we might as well get rid of freedom of speech and expression too. For those of you that still havent realised that the purpose of a newspaper is to inform the public of events in a non biased fashion .... i pitty you, wake up and realise that your attempts to control things are showing the pathetic ignorance you have towards Ireland today. Kudos to the artist and the editor!
Fab, brilliant, congratulations to the artist congratulations to the tribune for carrying the story
I think the super-intendent in charge of the operation should be made responsible for investigating the D4 banks - especially Anglo, Permo and the Incestuous Nepotism Building Society...
1. While Cowen gets paid more than Obama, he is well compensated for any cartoons aimed at him. Who does he think he is, Mohammed?
2. When did FF ever respect the office of Taoiseach? Not Charlie, not Begging Bowl Bertie
3. Lése Majesté is not on the statute book, so who sent the Gardai in?
4. On what grounds did the Gardai deprive the artist of 5 of his paintings?
5. Politicians hate to be laughed at. So let's have a national cartoon competition, results to be published a week before the next election.
In reply to Mary no 72, the saying "the lady does protest to much", springs to mind, Mary protests to much. It has me wondering, are you related to anyone in FF?, or are you perhaps, a member of FF because if you are, I am surprised you found time to join in, in the conversation with us mere mortals. Should you not be out living it up wining and dining the rich.......
It remains to be seen when a satirical poem, novel, comedy sketch or piece of drama will have 'the powers that be' ordering the Gardaí out to track down the author. There's an abuse of power issue here; and the very real danger that an increasingly panicky government will become ever more intolerant of legitimate criticisim. The silence of our artists and writers on this matter is shameful.
Artists don't need to make a comment when we have Fred Johnston who seems capable of making a comment on everything in the arts!
In response to Maire no 82, no I have no links to FF and have voted for people in different parties before, but more recently for FF as I did not see a convincing alternative. I can't take Enda Kenny seriously and while Labour is popular because of their populist approach, I don't think they have any serious proposals to date and they have strong links to the public sector unions. Re the painting, I agree that it is amusing that the artist put in in the National Gallery (although this raises questions about security there) but I did not like the RTE commentary, which I thought was juvenile, and the fact that it was an oil painting, which looked more real that a cartoon, and that it focused on his appearance, which is mean, was why I did not like it. I don't agree that it is political satire as it just attacked what he looks like.
My God, the amount of people who can't take a joke is unreal, and as for Micheal Kennedy, seriously, you need to unclench. But you're too busy making a balls of running our country to do that aren't you?
The paintings are something that has made the public laugh after all the doom and gloom recently - job losses, paycuts etc - and I have nothing but respect for the artist.
And the idea of FF posting on here under the guise of "Viktoria"? I expect nothing less from them... In Soviet Russia, the television watches you!!
Have any of you seen the cartoon by Scarf of Gordon Brown in today's edition of the Sunday Times. Compared to it, the portrait of Cowen is tame. Can't see the British Police going after the Cartoonist though. If the Artist responsible for the Portraits ends up in Court I for one will demonstrate in his favour as I think our Government are acting like Dictators and are obviously controlling some elements of the press.
Is it not time, after all this time, to stop paying the television license? I have figured out a really easy way to do this. The hard part is subsequently creating a broadcasting service that has the people's needs at heart, not those of the current government. watch this space.
people need to stop taking themselves so serious
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