APPLICATIONS to replace Charlie Bird as RTÉ's US correspondent have closed with Morning Ireland presenter Richard Downes, News At One host Seán O'Rourke and journalists Adrian Lydon and Aoife Kavanagh among those tipped to win the job.

The successful candidate will receive a two-year contract rather than the usual four-year agreement and will have to reapply for the job in 2012 if they want to keep it.

"A decision will be made very shortly," said a station source.

"Bosses have been compiling the shortlists and want to get exactly the right candidate for the job."

The broadcaster has already instructed potential candidates that they must be able to report "with authority".

According to an internal memo, "the suitable candidates will have significant journalism experience and will be proficient in the use of all relevant multi-media technologies."

Candidates will be expected to provide TV, radio and online content in the future.

In his documentary Charlie Bird's American Year, viewers saw the journalist struggle using his computer and printers.

The journalist also complained of being lonely in America, and having made few or no friends.

The memo also goes on to add that candidates must also be financially adept. "She or he will be expected to administer efficiently RTÉ's financial and technical resources in Washington."

The station's former economics editor George Lee has categorically ruled himself out of the job, saying he had not applied for the post and had no intention of going to Washington.

"I'm not applying, and I didn't apply. I am not interested in that job. Anyone who says otherwise is just out to annoy me."

Lee is still waiting to learn what his own position will be when he returns after quitting politics.

Charlie Bird's daughter gives birth to 'Charlie Jr'

Charlie Bird may be even more eager to return from Washington following the birth of his grandson. Bird's daughter Orla, media manager at Ulster Bank, last week gave birth to the baby, rumoured to be called Charlie Jr.

Speaking about the last few days, the new mother said she was completely run off her feet with the new arrival but was in high spirits.

"We are all getting on great, I'm still a bit tired but delighted. It is an exciting and hectic time. The baby is in good health and everything is fine."

Bird is understood to have returned home to Ireland this weekend to see his new grandson, with sources saying he is "extremely excited about seeing the baby for the first time."

He has previously spoken about his agony at being away from his family while in Washington