I have this amazing wolf skin and I don't really have anywhere suitable to put the thing, so I'm trying to sell it. The wolf is huge.
From head to tail he'd be about six foot. It would be better suited to someone who has the space to mount it on a wall properly or someone who can spend money to get it stuffed.
I got it from a friend who was working in Central Asia. On the day of his birthday one of the local farmers went up the mountains with a gun and shot the wolf for him, as a gift. It's what they do over there. My mate was delighted because it's a big honour. It meant he was well-respected.
Over there it's pretty normal to kill wolves because the wolves attack livestock. Plus it's part of their culture. That was about seven years ago. He brought it back to Ireland and gave it to me because I've a lot of weird and unusual stuff like that. I've a crocodile's head, a shark in a glass and a few other bits and pieces.
But I've never had anything as impressive as the wolf skin. So I hate selling it but I've no choice and my mate doesn't mind. I've tried getting a taxidermist here to stuff it back to shape but I couldn't.
I'd have to send it to England and it would cost a fair bit to do.
I've always been fascinated with animals. I find it interesting to look at the crocodile's head and his teeth, to understand the power of the animal. I got into learning about animals from watching a lot of nature programmes with my dad and stuff. He used to tell us how when he was a child, he had to snare rabbits for dinner. He used to set the trap, catch them, skin them and cook them in a stew. I just find it interesting,
Some people might find my interest in dead animals strange. I've a deer's head and a leopard's head as well. My house is a bit like a crematorium! My collection may be unusual but it's a real focal point in the house. And I'm totally against hunting for fun or anything like that. If the death of the animal was due to natural causes or I found it on the side a road after being hit by a car, I've no problem with getting it stuffed and putting it on display. But I've no time for fox hunting or anything like that. I hate killing animals for sport. I don't mind the wolf skin because in Central Asia they have to cull wolves to protect livestock.
I find people from the country are less shockable when it comes to dead animals. People from the town get a bit freaked about seeing them and are definitely more squeamish. I'm from the country and we never had a gun in the house but a lot of neighbours would have gone hunting, so I'd be accustomed to seeing a lot more dead animals than people from the town who can't seem to deal with it at all. I hate hunting and would never ever take part but I'm used to that fact that animals get killed – if you know what I mean.
I haven't had any replies. The ad has been up for about four weeks.
The Buy And Sell wouldn't advertise it. They said it was an endangered species but it's not, I checked. The skin is unreal. I think it's beautiful. But some people can't get their head around it. You probably can't get another one in Ireland. It's usually a deer's head in a country manor or a pheasant you'd see but a wolf is very unusual.
I wouldn't sell it to someone who just wanted something unusual or something to shock people. I'd sell it to somebody who has a genuine interest in animals – dead or alive.
As told to Claire Ryan