Leo 23.07 - 22.08 The Sun has just moved into your sign, so remember you begin your new year on your birthday, and it's easier to make changes at this time than at any other. You may be feeling somewhat emotional and chaotic today. Don't worry, it won't last for long! There's the combination of Mercury's recent retrograde motion which can mess up messages and appointments, plus Saturn's influence in your sign, making you look ahead and build for the future. Difficult, as you so love to live in the present! By Wednesday you should be feeling much perkier!

Virgo 23.08 - 22.09 Don't lose heart if life seems to be going topsy-turvy for you just now. When your ruler (Mercury) goes retrograde it throws all sorts of spanners in the works, but if you understand what's going on (and realise that you're not going crazy! ), then you can make the most of it. Now is the time to look again at your plans, tweak a few little details and save yourself a lot of problems in the longrun.

Libra 23.09 - 21.10 Though you may feel like you're being pulled through a bush backwards today, by Monday and Tuesday things are looking remarkably better and you should be full of energy, ready to take on the world! The emphasis at this time should be on any group or organisation in which you are involved. Are they time-wasters or do you gain back something? Make your mind up on Wednesday or Thursday.

Scorpio 23.10 - 21.11 If you're willing to keep your head down and focus on your current projects, whether at home or at work, this can be a fulfilling time for you. Don't be surprised if plans change at a moment's notice this week, though. It's important to pace yourself.

Remember, working 'til you drop won't help any relationship outside your career. Get a good balance between work and play, you'll be the better for it.

Sagittarius 22.11 - 21.12 If you've put a lot into your career in recent times, this is the time to expect some positive response. Don't take things at face value early this week, though, or you could be getting the wrong end of the stick, due to Mercury's retrograde motion, messing up communications and even your bank balance! Midweek should find you feeling much chirpier, and by the weekend it's time to have fun!

Capricorn 22.12 - 20.01 If there's any legal documentation you need to handle this week, try to get some professional advice before signing your name on the dotted line! Try not to get involved in other people's financial problems.

Give advice, not cash! Today and tomorrow should give you time for romance, but it's back to work mid-week when you should be full of ideas and energy to get things done!

Aquarius 21.01 - 18.02 Intellectual escapism is often the response for Aquarians when it comes to the necessary inter-action of personal relationships.

Why not re-think your response, and do something different? Now is the time to take a look back into the past, and learn from it.

There's a possibility of someone from the past reentering your life unexpectedly from Thursday, or simply meeting a stranger and falling head over heels. Be ready!

Pisces 19.02 - 20.03 While some of your plans may go awry today, it will give you the chance to spend time just thinking and becoming inspired.

Don't put all your ideas into action, take it easy and go through the pros and cons first on Monday and Tuesday. Be flexible, for from Thursday to Saturday you may have to change your plans at a moment's notice. Look on life as the adventure it truly is!

Aries 21.03 - 20.04 Though you should be feeling pretty good early this week, it's important you don't overspend on silly things, giving you a financial headache later next month.

It's important you spend time with family and loved ones now, and with some sensible delegation of duties, you can all enjoy a get-together without problems. Be willing to let go of your plans on Thursday, when just about anything can happen!

Taurus 21.04 - 20.05 This could prove to be a pivotal week for you. You're stepping out of the difficulties of the past and realising you're finally on the right road! The Moon is going through your sign on Wednesday and Thursday, helping you to tackle anything that needs to be cleared up, and with Mars then moving into your sign you should be feeling pretty determined and successful by the end of the week.

Gemini 21.05 - 20.06 Mercury turned 'retrograde' last week, giving you the chance to learn new ways of communicating with others, perhaps seeing any pattern which doesn't work, and changing it. It's also a good time for romance, with Jupiter's help, so just make sure that you're not getting your wires crossed, or you could ruin a promising relationship! Let there be lots of leeway at this stage, and take time to get to know each other.

Cancer 21.06 - 22.07 You've great potential for romance and loving family relationships today and tomorrow, so enjoy every moment. However, this is also a brilliant time to sit down and look at any patterns in your financial outlay which can be changed to your advantage. Focus on this during Wednesday and Thursday for best results.

Don't be surprised if your plans go crazy later in the week, just be flexible!