My last supper, which I'd make myself, would be really straightforward. It would involve a nice-sized fillet steak but not one that's too thick because they take forever to fry. There'd be some onion with that, sliced so thinly that it just melts, and sautéed potatoes, which would all sizzle away quietly on the pan. I'd have some very ordinary veg – green beans would be delicious. For dessert, it would be one of two things. If I could, I'd resurrect a cake that isn't made anymore: the chocolate fudge cake from Bewley's. I'm not talking about one of those manky ones that you buy in the supermarket. This is freshly made chocolate fudge cake and it's all about the texture. If that wasn't happening, I'd have an Eve's Pudding, which is Victoria sponge and apple. It would have to be served with custard, which I have a schoolboy love of. I don't drink at home on my own so I'd have a large glass of Coke from a can instead of a bottle
because it's colder that way. It would have to be in a slim jim glass with lots of ice and a slice of lemon. That citrus zing on the roof of your mouth elevates it from a soft drink to a Coca Cola proper.