In case you hadn't heard, Dublin is currently playing host to movie star royalty: Oscar winners Sean Penn and Frances McDormand, who are in town to shoot This Must Be The Place for genius Italian director Paolo Sorrento. The supporting cast includes cult legend Harry Dean Stanton and an Irish newcomer by the name of Eve Hewson, the daughter of local rock star Paul Hewson, whose rock band U2 have enjoyed some success in recent years. That's right, Bono's little girl is making a movie – her second, in fact, having already featured in as-yet unreleased American indie The 27 Club.

And we hear good things.

Before you butt in with that tired old nepotism schtick, remember that the progeny of creative types often have creative talent themselves: sure, the family name might open doors, but only so far. People don't buy Stella McCartney's clothes, after all, because her dad was in Wings. And it took years for Oscar-winner Sofia Coppola's career to recover after her acting debut in The Godfather Part III – the lesson learned being never to let daddy cast you in one of his movies.

So brace yourself for a tsunami of Next Gen Irish creative types whose surnames just might ring a bell. That said: can we prohibit the children of Irish politicians from ever holding public office? That said: Peaches Geldof for President.