Leo Varadkar

He is Leo the Lion, hear him roar.


Leo Varadkar, Fine Gael politician, is in big trioblóid for shooting his mouth off in the Dáil again.

What did he do now? This is politics, I'm getting bored, hurry up.

He slammed Brian Cowen for being a below-par Taoiseach, shall we say, equating him with Garret FitzGerald, adding that Cowen could "enjoy writing boring articles in The Irish Times in a few years'

Oh no he didn't!

Yes he did, which was a bit silly really considering that FitzGerald is a former Fine Gael leader.

His articles are really boring though.

Yes, but that's not the point.

So you say 'again'. Has Varadkar been up to this before?

I'm afraid so. He was mean to Mary Coughlan, wanted to pay unemployed immigrants to leave the country, and offered to sell his apartment to Nama, saying, "Like hundreds of thousands of young people, I am now in negative equity."

Hold it right there. Did he just say "young people"? There's no such thing as young people in politics – they're all auldies in flat caps, innit?

Well, actually, he's 31.

Wow, no way, so basically Baby Leo is probs more into a new Republic of Loose record than A New Republic.

Well, that's one way of putting it.

This is my come back girl, this is my come back girl. This. Is. My. Come. Back. This is my come back girl.

Now you're just singing Republic of Loose songs.

So catchy though.


Tell me more...

Well, Leo likes to keep us up to date with what he's up to on his 'blog' (actually just his website) which includes insightful entries like "Sunday 14th: Chilling" and "Tuesday 16th: Returned calls and office work. Mostly spent the day shopping. Needed a new suit."

Suit, eh? A real clothes horse, this Leo.

Well, he must be, because the logo on his site looks like it fell off the back of a Mad Men truck.

Mad Man, you mean?

I see what you did there.