If there's one aspect to Irish society that marks us out from other nations it's our generosity at giving to charity. But the downturn has meant many aid organisations providing help both at home and in the developing world have suffered a big hit. Some of our best known and most important charities such as Barnardos, SVP, Oxfam and Trocaire have all reported that pre-Christmas giving was down significantly – by anything between 10% and 20%.

With support for so many community groups cut in the budget, more people out of work, and the government's overseas aid budget cut by €25m, the charities are in a double squeeze – more people than ever need their help but they are earning less.

All the major shops in the capital opened yesterday to a very early post-Christmas rush to the sales. Internet purchases now form a significant spend at this time of year. There is money around ? so if you're spending on a sale item, or on a bet at the races, why not give as generously as you can to a charity too?