How utterly amusing (and let's face it, gratifying too) to see big, brave fox and stag hunters running scared from the attentions of Minister John Gormley. These people, who routinely terrify and kill animals for pleasure, suddenly reduced to a quivering mass because at last a government minister in this country has the moral courage to do the right thing and ban the medieval barbarism that is stag-hunting.

The Green Party has been on the receiving end of much public criticism lately for its stance on the economic crisis facing the country.

If one thing has become clear in the last few days however, it's that public opinion, as expressed in various media, is firmly behind Gormley's proposed ban.

Hopefully, the Green ministers in government will have the courage of their convictions to face down the wrath of the neanderthal wing of the Fianna Fáil party who are being furiously lobbied by the tally-ho brigade in a desperate effort to hold back the tide of evolution.

Margaret Grealish

An Grian Ard


Co Galway