During the holiday season our country could benefit greatly from the pro-active affirmation of those in our society who low-volume drink, and of those choosing not to take alcohol for personal or health reasons.

Alcohol Response Ireland accepts that alcohol is here to stay. However our consumption is at a chronic level and recent budgetary measures have not helped.

Problem drinking is defined as "a pattern of drinking in which a person has lost control over their drinking so that it is consistently interfering with some vital area of their life such as family, friends, job, school, health or other such area important for them".

Peer and societal pressure play a large part in problem drinking. Over 30% of those who take alcohol do so in an unhealthy and problematic manner.

This can be addressed, very cost-effectively, by taking the necessary steps. Altered attitudes and pro-active educational intervention are the keys to this and need the stamp of officialdom urgently. Failure to do so is a major disservice to society. At this holiday time, no less than any other, it is imperative that we take this matter seriously for the benefit of all directly and indirectly trapped within a vicious circle of alcohol abuse.

Individually we can each make a stand encouraging healthy consumption.

Gerry Hickey

