The price of a united Ireland so far has been high, with the deaths of an estimated 3,500 people and the maiming of countless others. If the armed struggle is to achieve its objective by this method, it will result
in no less than what will amount to genocide against the British apparatus that it hates.

Republicans/nationalists want the end of British rule in Northern Ireland and want the unionist people to go along with the plan or come under Irish governance. There is no sign of this happening soon or at all despite the passage of almost 40 years since the Troubles began in earnest in the 1970s.

Unionists are implacable in not being terrorised or bullied into a united Ireland and will not give up 'their struggle' either, to live in a terrorist- and strife-free Northern Ireland.

The unionist struggle has been underestimated by republicans who may believe that their struggle is the only one. For far too long we have been listening to the aims of the republican struggle without giving much thought to unionists who want a peaceful coexistence on this island without looking over their shoulder. Unionists do not want to be forced into a united Ireland and most of the people on this island want exactly the same thing on the basis of consent.

Of course, unionists will always have the upper hand because they have right on their side in not allowing terrorism to play a part in their decision-making. There can be no doubt given recent events that there has been a renaissance of terrorist activity designed and calculated to murder with trepidation.

Things are a lot different now than in the bad days of old. Terrorist activity will not fall on romantic political grounds or cushions. It will be seen as a desperate attempt by fundamentalists to destroy any progress that has been made. Unionists are only going to discuss the concept of unity if the conditions are right.

The resurgence of violence is making the conditions far from ideal and again ensuring that peace is not given any kind of chance. Terrorism is designed to strike fear into people, but lacks any political direction other than to rob people of their lives and make others suffer.

The plan of most terrorists in Northern Ireland is to make the British suffer as long as they occupy the six counties, not to find a shared and non-violent solution. Of course it is not only the British that suffer – many others have suffered as well in merciless indiscriminate attacks.

It seems clear enough that the price paid so far for unity has been nothing short of a vicious blood bath, without any guarantee of republican/nationalists getting what they want.

Nobody can afford to pay that price.

Maurice Fitzgerald,


Co Cork.