Josef Fritzl: parallels

GardaÍ are in contact with a woman who claims she was raped, imprisoned and bore children by her stepfather, and the DPP may be asked to review all evidence in the case.

Last month, a woman using the pseudonym Catherine claimed on Newstalk radio that her stepfather raped her on an isolated farm near her home and she bore five of his children.

The man has been dubbed the "Irish Fritzl", as the case is reminiscent of that of Austrian Josef Fritzl, who locked his daughter in a cellar and fathered her seven children. Last week, two of the woman's children and her husband spoke out on Newstalk.

The Sunday Tribune has established that the woman, who lived in the east of the country when the alleged abuse began between 20 and 30 years ago, has now been contacted by the detectives at the gardaí's Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Unit.

Officers have met and spoken with her on several occasions since. Gardaí are reviewing the evidence against the woman's stepfather and taking fresh statements.

It is understood that gardaí at the time of the original probe believed that, following a lengthy investigation, there was enough evidence for the woman's stepfather to be charged.

However, the DPP at the time recommended no charges be brought. The woman's stepfather was interviewed by gardaí at the time and denied the sexual abuse.

A garda source said that the DPP may be asked to review all the evidence to see if charges might now be laid.

The HSE confirmed this weekend that it was "working closely" with gardaí in relation to the case. Catherine has claimed the abuse was reported to the HSE which did nothing to help. Following emotional interviews with two of her children last week, her husband, "James", also spoke out.

"I think we live in a nation of these professionals, who we turn to for help and they're supposed to know. To my mind this girl went to the social services, told them, and they didn't do anything," he said.