Stephen Gately: heart trouble

The grieving parents of Boyzone singer Stephen Gately have issued a plea for young people to have regular medical checkups, particularly if their families have a history of heart trouble.

Stephen was found dead in his Majorca home earlier this month from suspected heart problems, and his mother and father, Martin and Margaret, say they want young people to be more aware of the condition.

Having so far declined to give interviews to the media, they last week spoke to the Sunday Tribune to raise awareness of the issue.

"We think it is a good idea for all young people to get regular health check-ups, particularly if there is a history of heart conditions in their family," said Margaret Gately. "The advice we would give to Stephen's fans, and all young people, is that they have regular health checks and get their hearts checked out as well."

A post-mortem carried out on 33-year-old Stephen found that he died from a pulmonary edema, a build up of fluid on the lungs, which is often connected to heart problems.

Margaret Gately said: "As soon as I heard he had died I knew it was a heart problem. It has lifted a huge burden off our family's shoulders."

Gerald Kean added: "There is a heart condition on his dad Martin's side of the family. Stephen would have had no idea of this condition."

Margaret Gately said hearing the results of the post-mortem confirmed her suspicion that her son's death was as a result of a heart condition that had plagued the family in the past.

Gately's relatives will now undergo checks to see if they have any similar health conditions.

Sudden cardiac death kills between 70 and 100 people under the age of 35 in Ireland every year but it can affect people of all ages.