Hot stuff: a Dublin firefighter poses on the Ha'penny Bridge

A fundraising calendar featuring bare-chested firemen is in doubt this year because of a standoff between firefighters and Dublin Fire Brigade.

Over the last three years more than €330,000 has been raised for good causes as a result of the 12-page colour calendar featuring firefighters from Dublin and around the country showing their torsos.

The calendar is traditionally released in late October but there is no sign of this year's offering, meaning that it is extremely unlikely to appear before Christmas, if indeed at all.

The reason for the delay is that firefighters are still waiting to find out if they can get official permission from brigade bosses to appear in the calendar.

Sources say that the volunteer committee that produces the unofficial calendar wrote to Dublin Fire Brigade earlier this month asking for permission for the calendar, but permission was refused.

One fireman, who asked not be named, told the Sunday Tribune:

"It's the same as it has been every year; fellas with their tops off. It's not rocket science. Women love it. They [Dublin Fire Brigade] didn't give a reason and that's why we are trying to talk to them. We [the firemen] want to have one."

In 2008, the Dublin Fire Brigade Charity Calendar became the world's bestselling charity calendar, achieving sales of 20,000 copies.

Most of these were sold in Dublin city centre in the run-up to Christmas when the firemen took to the streets to sell them.

Sources say a 2010 edition could still be published if agreement can be reached.

"We'd normally be sending it to the printers now," the fireman said. "There's a slight chance we could still get this year's out because we have a great bunch of lads helping us with the design and printing, doing it for a low cost or for free.

"We're hoping to have a meeting this week to find out what will happen."

Speaking to the Sunday Tribune, a spokeswoman for Dublin Fire Brigade could not confirm or deny whether the firemen's calendar would be published this year.

While confirming that they would have to give their permission for staff to appear wearing their uniforms in the calendar, Dublin Fire Brigade added: "It's not an official Dublin Fire Brigade calendar. We don't fund it; they do it all themselves.

"I will have to ring the people who look after it and see what they say. I honestly don't know."