TRINITY College Dublin has amended its disciplinary code in the wake of a controversial campus magazine article advising would-be killers on how to maximise the death toll of a college killing spree.

The satirical publication Piranha raised concerns within the university when it published a spoof map of the campus under the heading: "Going out with a bang – How to leave Trinity in style".

It detailed several areas of the college where students might be easily murdered in the event of a mass panic caused by gunmen.

Serious concerns were raised in the context of the Columbine and Virginia Tech massacres in the US in which students were shot dead by classmates.

The article, which was published last year, led to efforts by the university to discipline the Piranha editor but this was not deemed legally possible under existing college procedure.

However, last month the college board introduced regulations allowing for discipline against those involved in publications, societies and sports clubs who are deemed to be responsible for actions "which may be injurious to the health, safety and welfare of any person".

A statement from the university said: "Trinity College took the risks associated with that published article very seriously at the time and the publication was withdrawn. The publication Piranha received a once-off cut in funding from the publications committee."