Chinese man brings a new meaning to drink driving
A Chinese man has set a remarkable Guinness world record by driving across a road made from two individual rows of beer for over 60 metres. The record-breaking attempt took place in Wenzhou as Li Guiwen, an army driver from Beijing, managed to somehow steer a car along the width of a bottle top and across 1,798 bottles of beer in eight minutes and 28 seconds. The record was thought to be impossible to break. Last time Guiwen attempted it, the right tyre of his car slipped off the fragile track.
What a riot! Policeman claims extra holidays for time-consuming uniform
In Germany, a policeman has claimed an extra week's holidays in repayment for the amount of time it takes him to get dressed. Martin Schauder figured out that every day, it took him 30 minutes to put on and take off his riot police uniform, equal to 45 hours a year.
The dog whose shot is worse than his bite
A New Zealand man sowed doubts about the concept of canines being man's best friend after he was shot in the buttock by his own dog. The 40-year-old man was shot when his dog 'accidentally' stood on the trigger of his rifle.
The new face of crime? Let's hope not
It could be the mugshot to end all mugshots. Jesse Thornhill from Oklahoma was arrested last week after trying to run his landlady over.