HSE CUTBACKS will force the closure of a number of beds for terminally ill patients at Our Lady's Hospice in Harold's Cross this week.

The Sunday Tribune has learned that nearly a quarter of beds on a ward, regarded as "the A&E of cancer management", will be closed on Friday because of the HSE's refusal to 'back-fill' or temporarily replace nurses who go on leave.

The bed closures were criticised by Fine Gael TD Brian Hayes, who said the closure will affect some of the most vulnerable people in society.

A member of staff at the hospital, who did not wish to be named, said: "At the moment, Our Lady's Hospice has 36 beds in two units – St Catherine's and St Gabriel's – with 18 patients in each. Four beds in St Gabriel's are closing this Friday.

"The decision not to back-fill or replace people who are on maternity leave, education leave or special leave means that they are closing four beds on St Gabriel's ward.

"This is huge on an 18-bed ward as we are the A&E of cancer management. To cut four beds here is the equivalent of cutting 30 beds in Tallaght."

All patients admitted to the hospice are terminally ill. Most have cancer while others have motor neurone disease, Huntington's disease and multiple sclerosis.

The hospice source said: "If you have VHI cover you can afford to be treated somewhere else but the hospice is for people without health insurance. The majority of our patients come from poorer areas so the cutbacks are hitting the poor and vulnerable who are terminally ill.

"The staff are disgusted that this could have been prevented if we were allowed replace the nurses."

A spokeswoman for the hospice said: "Our Lady's Hospice and Care Services, like the rest of the health service, has been subject to financial reductions and a moratorium on recruitment.

"Whilst we may have a temporary reduction in staff, this coincides with our decision to close beds due to our planned refurbishment of the kitchens and day rooms in the palliative care unit and these beds will open again in the autumn.

"We will be taking every measure possible to provide the same level of service to patients in our care, be this at in-patient or at home-care level."